All employees who work in Italy must attend an occupational Health and Safety course. The lack of this training may involve criminal penalties for the Employer for non-compliance of occupational health and safety regulations in Italy. 

This course consists of two parts:

1) a General part of 4 hours, regardless of the sector of the company;

2) a Specific part. The duration of the specific part depends on the risk level of the company. So in Italy there are specific training with a minimum of 4 hours (low risk company) and course with a maximum of  12 hours.

Not only workers… 

Supervisors must attend an additional training of 8 hours. 

As regards Managers, the duration of training  is of 16 hours. 

The training must be updated every 5 years with a course of 6 hours. 

The requirements of this training are described in the Agreement State-Regions of 21/12/11.

ALI’s courses entirely satisfy these requirements. 

Moreover, ALI issues a Certificate that is valid for the entire national Italian territory 

The ALI safety courses are provided in another foreign languages, such as: 

  • German (Deutsch)
  • Spanish (Castillano)
  • Portuguese (Português / Português brasileiro)

We can provide the course via Teams, Hangouts or Gotomeeting or in your headquarters everywhere in the world!