Corsi base e avanzati su ISO 45001

SISTEMI DI GESTIONE ISO 45001 (8 ORE) Introduzione e obiettiviL’implementazione di un Sistema di Gestione della Sicurezza (SGSL) per garantire la corretta applicazione delle misure per la salute e sicurezza dei lavoratori è percepita come un’importante necessità organizzativa. Il corso illustra i contenuti della norma ISO 45001 che sostituisce lo standard BS OHSAS 18001, i […]

Sistemi di gestione

FORMAZIONE BASATA SULL’ESPERIENZA I sistemi di gestione sono la principale area di attività della nostra società: forniamo consulenza e formazione sin dal 1995.Grazie a docenti con esperienza maturata in diversi contesti e funzioni aziendali possiamo assicurare di trasmettere ai partecipanti non solo solide basi teoriche ma anche la necessaria capacità applicativa ed operativa. Servizi correlati

Manager training

TRAINING FOR MANAGERS ON HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK: FROM MANAGERS TO SAFETY LEADERS (16 HOURS) Introduction and objectives: The proposal of  ALI, in addition to meeting the requirements of the  State-Regions Agreement of 21December 2011, aims to provide participants with the tools to translate the policies and procedures in real safe behavior by the […]

Update training

UPDATING TRAINING FOR EMPLOYEES AND SUPERVISORS IN HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK (6 HOURS – FRONTAL LESSON) Introduction and objectives: Professional update course to meet the requirements of the State-Regions of 21/12/11 for employees and supervisors Program: State-Regions Agreement of 21 December 2011– Update course Contents are updated regularly and agreed with the company. Addressees: […]

Specific training

ENGLISH SAFETY TRAINING (SPECIFIC PART) / SAFETY TRAINING COURSES (SPECIFIC PART) FOR FOREIGNERS (4/8/12 HOURS) Introduction and objectives: Structured course to meet the requirements of the State-Regions of 21/12/11, (specific training) Program: State-Regions Agreement of 21 December 2011– specific part (low, medium, and high risk,) Contents are updated regularly and agreed with the company. Addressees: […]

General training

ENGLISH SAFETY TRAINING COURSES / SAFETY TRAINING COURSES FOR FOREIGNERS General training in Occupational Health and Safety (4 hours) Introduction and objectives: The course is structured to fulfil the requirements of the State-Regions Agreement of 21 December 2011 Program: State-Regions Agreement of 21 December 2011, general part: Introduction to Italian legislation Obligations for employers, managers, […]

English Safety Training

ENGLISH SAFETY TRAINING COURSES / SAFETY TRAINING COURSES FOR FOREIGNERS All employees who work in Italy must attend an occupational Health and Safety course. The lack of this training may involve criminal penalties for the Employer for non-compliance of occupational health and safety regulations in Italy.  This course consists of two parts: 1) a General […]


La BBS efficace (ed efficiente) Introduzione alla behavior based safety con SafetyOSCAR Anni di esperienze applicative nei processi di behavior based safety hanno mostrato il ruolo centrale della formazione (e in particolare: della formazione del comitato di progetto) per creare implementazioni efficaci. Al tempo stesso, tuttavia: la partecipazione al comitato di progetto può essere ottenuta […]